Conquer the Market with AI: Backtesting Strategies Explained

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Affiliate products are like partnerships in the world of commerce. Businesses collaborate with individuals or other companies, allowing them to promote their products or services. In return, affiliates earn a commission for each sale, lead, or action generated through their marketing efforts. This symbiotic relationship benefits both parties: the affiliate gains income without the hassle of creating a product, while the merchant expands their reach through the affiliate’s promotional channels. It’s a win-win scenario fostering a diverse ecosystem where creativity and entrepreneurship thrive

Best Practices for Building the AI Development Platform in Government 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor  The AI stack defined by Carnegie Mellon University is fundamental to the approach being taken by the US Army for its AI development platform efforts, according to Isaac Faber, Chief Data Scientist at the US Army AI Integration Center, speaking at the AI World Government event held in-person and virtually […]
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Advance Trustworthy AI and ML, and Identify Best Practices for Scaling AI 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   Advancing trustworthy AI and machine learning to mitigate agency risk is a priority for the US Department of Energy (DOE), and identifying best practices for implementing AI at scale is a priority for the US General Services Administration (GSA).   That’s what attendees learned in two sessions at the AI […]
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Promise and Perils of Using AI for Hiring: Guard Against Data Bias 

By AI Trends Staff   While AI in hiring is now widely used for writing job descriptions, screening candidates, and automating interviews, it poses a risk of wide discrimination if not implemented carefully.  That was the message from Keith Sonderling, Commissioner with the US Equal Opportunity Commision, speaking at the AI World Government event held live and virtually in […]
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Predictive Maintenance Proving Out as Successful AI Use Case 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   More companies are successfully exploiting predictive maintenance systems that combine AI and IoT sensors to collect data that anticipates breakdowns and recommends preventive action before break or machines fail, in a demonstration of an AI use case with proven value.   This growth is reflected in optimistic market forecasts. […]
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How Accountability Practices Are Pursued by AI Engineers in the Federal Government  

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor    Two experiences of how AI developers within the federal government are pursuing AI accountability practices were outlined at the AI World Government event held virtually and in-person this week in Alexandria, Va.  Taka Ariga, chief data scientist and director at the US Government Accountability Office, described an AI accountability framework he uses within his agency […]
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Startup: AssemblyAI Represents New Generation Speech Recognition 

By AI Trends Staff   Advances in the AI behind speech recognition are driving growth in the market, attracting venture capital and funding startups, posing challenges to established players.   The growing acceptance and use of speech recognition devices are driving the market, which according to an estimate by Meticulous Research is expected to reach $26.8 billion […]
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